Cream Stone HealthCare CIC – We care about your whole wellbeing
Our health affects everything that we do and yet it’s rarely our priority. Our Health Coaching and Counselling Hub will provide personalized advice on how to best manage your health – as well as arming you with the tools to help others.
According to recent studies, a staggering 84% of British people feel that they do not focus enough on their health – often because they simply don’t know how to. This can, unfortunately, lead to burnout and ill-health and ultimately shortened lives.
By the time cracks begin to appear in our health, it’s often too late to reverse them, resulting in illness and a reduced quality of life. The Health Coaching and Counselling Hub offers personalized insights into your health and wellbeing as well as potentially helping you to reach for a new career as a health coach.
With the proliferation and increasing severity of the diseases or illnesses, it’s high time that people have almost an expert level knowledge about such diseases and health issues. This will help these health-conscious people not only to take care of their own health in a much better way, but also empower them to advise other people around them to achieve better health keeping in view their specific needs/conditions.
Our CPD certified Health Coaching and Counselling course is well-designed, taking into account the existing and emerging healthcare needs of the public. This most valuable health coaching and counselling course is delivered by the experienced and competent healthcare experts who can train you to take care of the advanced and complex health problems. You’ll develop a high-level expertise to take care of your own health needs as well as can help others to overcome health problems successfully.
This effective health coaching course provides you many tools and tips to handle the various health and well-being needs in a holistic manner. All this is available at our Health Coaching and Counselling Hub at affordable rates. Moreover, with our innovative health coaching and counselling course, you can become an expert in health coaching and counselling with sufficient knowledge of various health issues and problems ranging from day-to-day health problems to chronic diseases/illnesses. All this is possible without leaving your place of residence or job, thanks to our online health course delivery method. You’ll also have access to health coaching and counselling learners peer group as well as well-experienced health professionals/experts for mentoring.
This offer will be tailored to your health coaching or counselling needs and the activities will include 1 month program of:
All too often, we take our health for granted – something which, sadly, many people regret later in life. Our Health Coaching and Counselling Hub through its best health coaching and counselling course will help you to understand your body and health, as well as to share this health wisdom with others including:
START your health coaching journey by joining our Health Coaching and Counselling Hub TODAY
Target audience: Anyone who is 18+ and health-conscious.
Duration of this offer: 1 month
Price: £400
(Our most popular option)
(Our most popular option)
(Our most popular option)
Life is marvellous and world is full of wonders, but you can enjoy all that only if you’re alive and kicking well. Your health is your most valuable asset when it comes to enjoying a long and healthy life — and it begins with you, especially when you take charge of your health and wellbeing.
(Advanced level)
Life can be a juggling act and caring for your health in order to have a long life can be overlooked – but we can help you to take control.
Achieving good health involves body, soul and spirit in an integrated whole, not just the physical nuts and bolts – and we can help you to explore your spiritual health in order to promote holistic healing and a longer, better life.
We delivers an innovative health promotion program and integrated services, so that customers can gain better health and well being during their middle age, promote healthy life, and help clients to minimize the risks of later life diseases.