Cream Stone HealthCare CIC – We care about your whole wellbeing


The Importance of Investing In Your Health

The need to invest or look after your health seems like something that everyone should know and strive to do, doesn’t it? From a young age, we are taught to look after ourselves in a variety of ways from brushing our teeth in the morning, to taking regular baths or showers to eating fruit and vegetables and much more.

Deep down we all know that we should invest in our health but that doesn’t always mean we do. In fact, today, I think it’s fair to say that most us don’t at least not as much as we should.

For example, think about this, when you’re on your lunch break at work do you have a piece of a fruit or something else like a chocolate bar or biscuits? I think the latter options are going to be the more common choice for many people.

But it’s not just our diets, investing in your health means you need to stay fit and active as well. And in a world of social media, Netflix binges and the popularity of video games reaching an all-time high it’s easy to see how investing in your health can be difficult.
There’s a lot of temptations out there that can make you put off that healthy meal, trip to the gym or morning run isn’t there? But of course, cutting those treats out isn’t really a solution either it might make you healthier in the short term but won’t make you happier.

Investing in your health means your mental wellbeing as well. You work hard and deserve the occasional reward so don’t feel guilty for indulging in the odd treat, but there’s got to be a way to look after your health as well hasn’t there?

The Importance of A Balanced Healthy Lifestyle

So, what’s the solution how do you invest in your health while also enjoying the things you love? It’s all about balance and leading a balanced and healthy lifestyle is much easier to accomplish than you might think.

A Good Night’s Sleep

They say you need seven to eight hours of sleep a day and that’s a good start but it’s not the only rule to follow. If you’ve had a particularly long or stressful day then you should try to get extra sleep when possible and try to get into a regular sleeping schedule.

Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise is one of the best ways to invest in your health, for many people this will mean going to the gym but there’s plenty of ways to exercise and they don’t all involve going to the gym.

Cut Down on Bad Habits

One of the best ways to invest in your health is to cut down on your bad habits, these vary from person to person but they will almost always affect your health. Common ones include smoking or excessive drinking but could include all kinds of things from eating too many sugary snacks to staying up too late at night and much more.

A Healthy Diet

By far one of the best ways to invest in your health is by having a healthy and balanced diet, balanced being the key word. Just eating fruit and vegetables all the time won’t make you healthy you can still enjoy the foods you love and the occasional treat but you need to ensure you have a balanced healthy diet.

With chronic diseases on the rise investing in your health is incredibly important and it’s never too late. It doesn’t mean you have to stop doing the things you love either you can still have fun but make sure you take your health into account as well.


The Basics of A Balanced Healthy Lifestyle

So what’s the solution how do you invest in your health while also enjoying the things you love? It’s all about balance and leading a balanced and healthy lifestyle is much easier to accomplish than you might think.

You can still enjoy the things you love but it’s important to enjoy them in moderation. Let’s take a closer look at some of the best ways you can invest in your health.

A Good Night’s Sleep

They say you need seven to eight hours of sleep a day and that’s a good start but it’s not the only rule to follow. If you’ve had a particularly long or stressful day then you should try to get extra sleep when possible and try to get into a regular sleeping schedule.
If you like late night’s out with friends that’s fine but make sure you give yourself time to recover, a good night’s sleep and a healthy sleep schedule will improve your health in many ways. So if you want to invest in your health make sure you get plenty of rest.

Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise is one of the best ways to invest in your health, for many people this will mean going to the gym but there’s plenty of ways to exercise and they don’t all involve going to the gym. If you work in an office then make sure you take regular breaks to stretch your legs or consider going on an afternoon or morning run.
Of course, going to the gym is always an option but it’s not the only one you have, you could try getting a personal trainer or even your own home fitness equipment. Fitness apps are also a great way to stay healthy as well, try setting yourself a target for each week and then monitor your fitness as you go.

Cut Down on Bad Habits

One of the best ways to invest in your health is to cut down on your bad habits, these vary from person to person but they will almost always affect your health. Common ones include smoking or excessive drinking but could include all kinds of things from eating too many sugary snacks to staying up too late at night and much more.

Whatever your bad habits are do your best to cut down on them and if it’s something like smoking which as absolutely no positive health benefits then you should consider quitting. Breaking an addiction is difficult but if your bad habits have become one then quitting full stop is for the best.

A Healthy Diet

By far one of the best ways to invest in your health is by having a healthy and balanced diet, balanced being the key word. Just eating fruit and vegetables all the time won’t make you healthy you can still enjoy the foods you love and the occasional treat but you need to ensure you have a balanced healthy diet.

This means fruit and vegetables, yes but all the other important food groups as well, you might also want to consider vitamin supplements as well. You should also always try to buy fresh and organic food instead of processed, remember a balanced healthy diet is a lifestyle change so make sure you stick to it and don’t slip back into your old habits.

With chronic diseases on the rise investing in your health is incredibly important and it’s never too late. It doesn’t mean you have to stop doing the things you love either you can still have fun but make sure you take your health into account as well. At Cream Stone Healthcare, our Online Health Life Framework goes beyond the Basics of A Balanced Healthy Lifestyle you are aware of taking into consideration your tripartite nature.


Effective Ways to Halt the Rise in the use of Abusive Substances

Substance abuse has been on the rise in the recent past, records have indicated that there has been a rise of 43% globally on substance abuse. The high rates in the increase of substance abuse call for an immediate action by governments, humanitarian organizations and the society at large; while it is not a simple task for a country to halt the high increase in substance abuse, it is still believed that there are better ways to curb the vice (Kilpatrick et al, 2003).

There are several ways to halt the rise in the use of abusive substances although this is a personal commitment from the individual abusing the substances. An addiction is generally not something that is started and stopped within a short period; it is a gradual process that involves several people and professionals. It is much easier to help the young stop abusing drugs as compared to an adult, the young ones from the age of between 18 years to 30 years can easily be controlled since they may listen but the old may ignore a correction (Johnston et al, 2018)

For the adults, the best way to help is by counseling and providing necessary psychological help. The concept of halting substance abuse should begin with those who are not affected, sharing with them the dangers and the drawbacks of getting into drug abuse. By so doing, people will grow believing and understanding that drugs and substance abuse is a dangerous affair not only for their health but to their well-being. This method of sharing the dangers of the substance abuse should be at a tender age Jarvis (2018).

Governments should include drug and substance abuse in their education systems at all levels so that the society will grow understanding the risks of drugs. In the same way, the reduction of substance abuse can be achieved in a gradual manner. It is paramount to note some of the reasons why people turn to substance abuse, generally, people may get into drug abuse through frustrations, lack of employment, depression, and poverty (Kendler, K. S., Ohlsson, H., Bacanu, S., Sundquist, J., & Sundquist, K., 2018).

By making the living standards for people to look better, they may be less depressed hence has no time to abuse drugs and substances. On the other hand, lack of employment has a bigger contribution to drug abuse, when people are idle, the mind does not get busy, the mind can be easily convinced to get into drugs and abuse of substances (Pestka, 2018). The other lead to substance abuse is peer groups, from a tender age; the society should be well informed on how to train the young to avoid drugs and substances.

In this context, they should be made aware of the substances early enough through health education so that by the time they are conscious of themselves, they may make a good decision against drug abuse. Governments should increase funding organizations and departments that deal with counseling and develop rehabilitation facilities. In hospitals, there should be a wing that is placed to deal with victims of drug abuse and extend the same to the locals to make the society aware on how to deal with the vice.

In Conclusion it is recommended that everyone within the society should be involved at all levels to fight the alarming rates of the increase in substance abuse. Alternatively, there are legal instruments that can be used to curb the distribution of the substances, by so doing; the volumes of drugs getting to the society will be reduced hence save lives and those who abuse them. In a summation, the society is in a better position to fight the rise in substance abuse because it sets the ground for the same vice, it is central for the government to set facilities, invest in professionals who can educate the public to shun from abusive drugs.

For more on gain skills and competence that empowers you to live that life you desire, you can explore our school of Health and Wellbeing or School of LifeSpan management and longevity.